What, you might ask.
I have pondered what I can do in this uncertain economy. And I have lit upon a not very original strategy--I can buy locally as much as possible. And, the emphasis here is on BUY and LOCAL.
With money tight, and jobs shaky, it is natural to pull back, to stop spending completely. But that may be just the wrong thing to do.
I think of all the people whose services I use who will suffer if I stop buying. So, we still go out to eat--the servers need our tips.
I still get my occasional pedicure--the women who perform this wonderful service have small children and need to earn their modest incomes.
I get my haircut with the same regularity as always--the hairstylist still has her mortgage to pay.
And I am even trying to expand my support of local businesses. Tomorrow, our dog--who is sadly in need of some grooming--has a fur cut appointment. I have always bathed her, popping her in the tub, and then drying her with fur flying everywhere. This time, I contacted a locally owned small pet store that does dog grooming, and got Tipper a "beauty appointment." The dog washers have to live, too.
And when a local business man and his son walked around with paper flyers advertising help with yard work and home maintenance, I called. They will come later this week, and help gather up last fall's leaves, and trim dead branches from fir trees in the backyard.
These are small efforts, I realize, but each of the people I patronize in turn will have a bit more money with which to make their normal purchases. And bit by bit, we may all have an impact!
Anyone else have ideas how we can take incremental steps in this economic crisis? Anyone doing anything that makes you feel you are helping just a bit?
UPDATE: behold, the clean dog!
Note the suspicious look in Tipper's eyes. She hates it when I get the camera out. I don't know what she thinks I will do with the photos of her, but she is clearly on her guard.
The scarf around her neck, featuring Easter eggs, was temporary. It is now discarded.