Now, I enjoy a good cup of tea as much as the next person. Perhaps, maybe more so--I grew up drinking tea. Living in a former British colony will do that. Even today, I love good tea--an easy gift mark for our daughter who resides in London!
And, of course, in American history, tea parties figure prominently. The Boston Tea Party at least had something to do with tea.
Yes, astute reader, you probably can tell where I am going.
I certainly have my thoughts about the present use of the term "the tea party." In this forum, I don't usually air those thoughts. But, yesterday's news chilled me. The crowds protesting passage of the health care bill hurled racial slurs at members of Congress, and also yelled epithets at Representative Barney Frank, calling him a faggot.
In the various news accounts I have read of these incidents, these protestors have been identified as "tea partiers."
Maybe the American political system needs to be revised, maybe people are feeling disenfranchised and disengaged, maybe there are legitimate grievances that need to be redressed--BUT...
But when you erase 50 years of moving forward in the United States, and take us back to a day when people were judged only by the color of their skin...
When you call someone names because of his sexuality, an issue that is completely unrelated to his effectiveness as a congressman or his general intelligence in addressing complex issues...
When you have no real solutions yourself for the difficult challenges facing government at all levels...
When you seemingly have no empathy for anything, and it is is difficult indeed to determine what you DO respect, care for and value...
Then, as far as I am, this tea party is one I have absolutely no time for.
OK, going back to my own cup of tea now--hmmm, good.
Image of tea from -- http://www.goldimari.com/shop/images/B100V01.jpg
It's all very puzzling. Do all of these protesters thinks every other country has this health issue wrong?
I would be very curious to know how many of these protesters could give a broadly accurate description of any other country's health care system. Or for that matter, a description of the issues at hand in this country beyond the propaganda Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes throw at them. I'm more willing to listen to someone once I'm convinced they grasp some of the nuances of the situation... and saying "Keep your government hands off my Medicare" doesn't do much to that end.
I would prefer a tea party with the Mad Hatter. I hope this bill goes through tonight.
Ah, written with such obvious restraint my friend. :c) I fully agree. It's as if we are stepping backwards in time sadly.
Oh, don't get me started!! A national news station captured the "faggot" when Barney Frank walked by. My jaw just dropped when I heard it. What a stellar bunch of folks!
Thank you for writing this. Consider it your first coffee party.
I, for one, am STUNNED that Republicans aren't speaking out against these bigots because yes, that is what they are.
Yesterday I saw a truck that the owner had actually painted something about hating Obama all over it. Do they not remember that he's President because he won the election???
I have the same sense of amazement at the hatred that has accompanied the push for universal health care. Living in Canada I far prefer our system to the American system under which I lived for so many years.
To be fair to the Republicans, they did immediately condemn the hate speech. Flakes are a problem on the left or the right.
Thanks, Donna. You nailed it. I am so disgusted with the lot of them. Where is the maturity and respect in these grown men and women? I wish there was a single politician out there with virtues.
Singing my tune, Donna, and I'll join you in the chorus. One thing about the Republicans, though--the tea partiers think they're part of the problem. So at least they've got something right.
We can never underestimate the level of prejudice that still exists in our country. This disgusting display brought it to the forefront. I am ashamed that the rest of the world sees our country at its worst in scenes like that.
These loud shouters have no idea what the health care reform bill contained...they are incited by the rhetoric of their "leaders" in Congress. Shame on all of them!
This kind of display of ignorance I find embarrassing on behalf of the many Americans I know and like who are gracious and accepting of many points of view and would not resort to hate speech.
Would you please send some to come and get Ann Coulter and get her out of Canada!
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